söndag 27 juli 2014


View from the tent over Ulöya.
After breakfast I said goodbye to Andreas. He went to Tromsö and I went to Skjervöy. Since I lived here 2 months last summer I wanted to see this place again. Tor Martin met me on the uphill after the bridge on bike that was nice! TM Bed & Breakfast offers coffee, hot shower, washing clothes, veggie pizza and all whatever you can ask. We said hi to Helge and Svanhild (they were like extra parents to me, so sweet) then we visited Sissel and Johan. We tried homemade eggnog, cloudberry liquor and TM tried red currant but from the look of his face it wasn't that great. 30 km today. I think this almost counts as a restday.

Tunnels passed: 1

Helge and TM.
Me and Helge.
Johan, TM and Sissel.
TM riding a bike.
Photo: TM Iversen
Tor Martin B&B.
 Thanks for the hospitality Tor Martin! Will pay you back if you come to Lofoten!

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