torsdag 24 juli 2014

Passing Alta

This morning the tent almost blew away since I took out the sticks and then made coffe and forgot about the tent for a while. I had to run like never before to catch it. We went to Alta and looked for handlebars (to make life on the road more comfortable), bought some food, had pizza and a beer at Peppes while charging phones, then we continued until we found a campsite by the sea just before Talvik. 60 km today.

Tunnels passed: 1

Leaving Sennalandet.
Pizza in Alta.
Nice road after Alta.
Rallarfamiljen - The migrant worker family*.
Checking the tentspot.
Andreas enjoying the view...
...and the stockfish.
* Rallarfamiljen. Englishmen started mining copper in Kåfjord 1826. Local labour was in short supply. Eleven men from Röros were the first workers. A whole mining community grew up within the next few years. The copper works gave employment to many immigrants. There were many blast accidents in the mines were people were crippled and mutilated for the rest of their lives. Many died here and were buried in the Kåfjord cemetery without any form of monument marking the graves.

(Some pictures by Andreas Christiansen)

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