onsdag 30 juli 2014


I woke up really early but then I fell asleep again and suddenly it was 10.45 so I had a quick breakfast and packed my stuff together heading for the 12 o'clock ferry to Senja. Next one isn't until 5 pm so I really wanna get on this one. I just made it few minutes before 12 and the ferry was actually late. Then came Michele 5 minutes late. I spoke to him on the ferry. He's from Italy and just came from the airport in Tromsö. We had a coffee when we arrived at Senja and then we had company all day. We met a french guy and he was kind of special. He took our picture and said we would be online in one hour! We had god weather in the beginning but then it started raining a lot. We had some hard uphills but the view is to die for wherever you look. Just after midnight we arrived outside Gryllfjord and one of my most weird tentspots so far I think. Distance today was 78,4 km.

Tunnels passed: 6

View from tent at night.
Morning at basecamp Kvalöya.
Michele and me.
Michele and crazy french guy.
The cyclist warning button.
Michele puts on raincover for shoes.
An old house.
Beautiful Senja!
Me and Michele at viewpoint Bergsbotn.
Arriving Gryllefjord.
Basecamp for the night.
Senja is Norway's second largest island (1569 square feet) and is located 69 degrees north. Nature is contrastfilled with midnightsun and northern light depending on the season. Barely 8,000 people live at the island. The countryside is characterized by deep fjords, beaches, steep mountains and vibrant fishing villages. The road winds up and down hills, in and out of fjords and through small fishing village, and villages clinging to narrow strips of land between the mountains and sea.

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