torsdag 7 augusti 2014

Too much rain...

Day 18
Today I was not that anxious to get out of my sleepingbag, put on my wet socks and my wet shoes but finally I just had to do it. It was raining in the morning but then it stopped so we packed it all together. I realised I had lost one screw on my rack but we fixed it with strips. Then I said goodbye to Ove and I was heading for Nesna. I passed one café but it was a bit early and the weather was good so I didn't wanna stop. Maybe I should have because there were no more....which means no coffee today for me. But the weather was really improving so I was happy about that, cloudy and no more rain. In the end some rough hills but the evening sun came out and said hello. I arrived in Nesna at 7 pm and the boat was not due until almost 9 so I went for a pizza and a beer since I was really hungry. I met one funny man at the restaurant who wanted to order the cheapest on the menu. I commented that and laughed and he said; Do you know who I am? No I said. He told me he had millions at the bank so I was wondering why then, he should spend some on himself but he didn't want to. He told me that he used to be a successful boxer. He was very special. Then I went to the ferry which was only 30 minutes and a really nice trip. I was lucky and found a tentspot really fast just next to an abandoned house. I just love those places and thought my tent looked really good there. I let the tent dry out a bit before I moved in. Tonight will be a lot more cozier and I have bought a new pair of socks! Tomorrow I will start fresh with dry socks, can you believe this kind of happiness? And soon I will meet The Lost Cyclist, he is getting closer so we'll probably meet any day now. Distance today 88,2 km

Tunnels passed : 3


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